



The university expects all students, regardless of whether they are enrolled part-time or full-time, to meet certain academic standards. 学生必须承担个人责任 for their own intellectual growth and personal development and should take advantage of the opportunities for academic support that the university provides.

An undergraduate student will be allowed to continue in the university as long as their cumulative grade point average (GPA) is 至少2个.00. 这是最低要求 cumulative GPA at the university for all students regardless of class standing or 这个学生尝试了多少个小时. 有时会指定更高的最低GPA 通过大学内的特定项目. 在这种情况下,学生必须坚持 the more stringent requirements as long as they are in those programs.

If an undergraduate student’s cumulative GPA is under 2,0。 end of the term, they will need to take action (described below) to have their academic 举行了 回到下个学期. 

The deadline to complete clearance of an academic hold to enroll in the upcoming semester is at least 10 days 之前 the first day of full-term 类. 查阅 校历 每学期的具体截止日期. 



After the first semester that a student does not attain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.00, they are placed on academic probation at the end of the term. 这个学生是 required to complete the Academic Success Plan program, a short non-credit course 在画布上. After successful completion of the Canvas course (which typically takes 1-2 hours) and advisement by their academic advisor, the student may register for 下一项.

登录Canvas 完成学业成功计划. 当您登录时,您将在 top of your dashboard to accept the invitation to the Academic Success Plan course, 点击接受. It will look like a regular course, but it is just a short set of modules that introduce you to the most important topics that you need to know to 下学期把你的GPA改过来. Work through the modules, reading each page and 完成所有的小测验. Once you have 通过ed this Academic Success Plan “course,” your probation hold will be lifted in SOAR. 你必须至少得到总分的70%, but you can spend as much time as you need and take the quizzes multiple times to 通过. We strongly advise you to go ahead and finish your Academic Success Plan well 之前 the next semester starts, so you are prepared to be successful in your upcoming 类.




While on academic probation, if a student’s cumulative GPA is lower than 2.0。 end of the term, they will be placed on academic probation continued. 学生 stays on academic probation continued as long as they earn a term GPA of at least a 2.00.

  1. 填写表格第1节 申请解除学业羁留 form
  2. To complete Section 2 of the 请愿书, make an appointment with your major advisor listed in SOAR to review your proposed courses for next term and see if adjustments 应该是.
  1. For Section 3, you will need to complete an 学业改善计划(AIP) with the 指定专业顾问名单 在这里 对于你的专业.
    1. Click the gold “Schedule Appointment” button for this designated professional advisor. If they don’t have a button, email or call them to ask for an appointment to complete 和他们一起参加AIP.
    2. Before your appointment with the professional advisor, complete Section 我的 the 学业改善计划 form and email it to your designated professional advisor.
    3. During your appointment with your designated professional advisor, you will work together to discuss a personalized AIP for you 为下学期制定计划.

The deadline to complete clearance of your academic hold is at least ten days prior to the start of 类; check the 校历 具体截止日期. 如果你在截止日期前没有被批准,你的 paperwork may not be processed in time to enroll for that semester. 




While on academic probation continued, if a student does not attain a term GPA of 至少2个.00。 end of term, they will be placed on suspension. 暂停 the university must be for at least one fall or spring term. 夏季学期不会 count toward required minimum suspension time.

You will need to follow the steps below to get readmitted, advised, and registered 之前 你可以下学期开始上课. 你可以 申请再入学 通过招生办公室. Note that any remaining account balance from prior semesters must be paid in full 之前 you can be readmitted or have your academic 举行了.

Separately from being readmitted, you will also need to clear your suspension hold 为了报名上课. Here are the steps to follow to get your academic hold removed :

  1. 自行填写表格第1部分 申请解除学业羁留 form
  2. Working with your major advisor listed in SOAR, complete Section 2 of the 请愿书 复习你的课程.
  3. Working with the 指定专业顾问名单 在这个网站上 对于你的专业, complete an 学业改善计划(AIP) and Section 3 of the 请愿书.
    1. Click the gold “Schedule Appointment” button for the designated professional advisor. If they don’t have a button, email or call them to ask for an appointment to complete 和他们一起参加AIP.
    2. Before your appointment with the designated professional advisor, complete Section 我的 学业改善计划 from and email it to your designated professional advisor.
    3. Meet with the designated professional advisor to discuss a personalized AIP for you 为下学期制定计划.

The deadline to complete clearance of your academic hold is at least ten days prior to the start of 类; check the 校历 具体截止日期. 如果你在截止日期前没有被批准,你的 paperwork may not be processed in time to enroll for that semester. 





前往注册处 学术地位常见问题 for answers to the most commonly asked questions about probation, probation continued, 和悬架.
















